Greetings, Grizzly Families,
I am so excited to welcome my Grizzly families back to yet another exciting school year! It is hard to believe that I have served as Geddes School Principal for nearly three years. I am so very blessed to serve the community that saw me “grow up,” so to speak. I started my teaching career here at Geddes in 2001. After serving this community as a teacher for 13 years in all grade levels, programs, and combination classrooms, I continued expanding my experience as an educator by serving as a Resource Teacher, Assistant Principal, and Assistant Principal on Special Assignment in our district's technology department. I returned home to Geddes for the 2021-2022 school year to serve as your humble Principal. I am very proud that our school has made impressive gains in all aspects of education since we returned from school closures!
I believe that it is our responsibility as educators to support our students with the individual tools they need to be academically, behaviorally, and socially-emotionally successful. As the leader of this fantastic school, I work daily to ensure that all of our teachers and staff have what they need to meet our student’s needs to the best of their ability. Here at Geddes, we are a genuine Family and work together to help our students Level UP! This is why our theme this year is “Grizzly Family STRONG! Leveling Up Together!”
I am an authentic Grizzly at heart and never really left Geddes because my children attended and continue attending Baldwin Park schools. I am a wife and a proud mother of 4. I am a product of Baldwin Park and attended Tracy Elementary, Sierra Vista Junior High, and Sierra Vista High School. My husband works for our school district and my parents retired from our school district working for Nutrition Services and Maintenance. For all of these reasons I feel genuinely connected to our students and families because I see myself and my family reflected in them.
At Geddes, all of our students are taught that the “sky is the limit”, and that starts with being “College and Career-Ready”! Each classroom adopts a university, and the students learn all about their adopted university. Our mission at Geddes is to develop productive citizens for a future global society through creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking in an inspiring environment with caring people. Our Grizzly Family works tirelessly to provide our students with an all-encompassing education that includes reading, writing, math, science, social studies, English language development, visual and performing arts, physical education, technology, behavior, and social-emotional support. All students can learn and achieve. Therefore, they need to be given opportunities to learn not only how to read, write, and do math but also how to behave. Our Grizzlies at Geddes ROAR! They focus their behavior on being Ready, Owning their actions, having an A+ Attitude, and showing Respect. We take every opportunity to celebrate our students for their academic and behavioral achievements!
I am grateful and blessed with the opportunity to continue to serve my Grizzly Family! I look forward to making new memories and celebrating our little Grizzlies’ achievements! Grizzly Family Strong! Leveling Up Together! Go Grizzlies!
Wendy C. Enriquez