It is important for all students to arrive and depart from school at the scheduled times. Morning drop-off should be no sooner than 7:50 a.m. (7:30 a.m. for breakfast). Students should use crosswalks at all times.
Please make certain that your child enters the school through the front or side gate. Entering the school through the parking lot is not permitted and unsafe.
At the end of the school day, all students should be picked up at the time the bell rings. To ensure a safe, quiet and orderly environment for all students, we request that parents not enter the school grounds and wait for their children. The parking lot is closed to incoming traffic. Only district officials, district buses and vehicles with a handicapped placard will be permitted in the parking lot before or after school to ensure the safety of our students.
When your child is absent, you can report their absence using PARENT VUE or when they return to school after being absent, he/she must bring a note signed by a parent/guardian explaining the reason for the absence. Absence excuse forms are also available in the office. It is important that students come to school every day. It is the parents’ and the students’ responsibility to make up missed work. Students with perfect attendance throughout the year will be rewarded. Please note that the school is required to report the names of students with excessive absences to the Office of the Deputy District Attorney. Vacation is not an excused absence.
Your child’s attendance in school each day throughout the school year is extremely important for two reasons:
- Your child has the best chance of being successful in school if he/she attends school every day.
- Our school and school district lose money every time your child is absent, whether it is excused or not.
According to California state law, an excused absence would include illness, a medical appointment, a dental appointment, and a funeral for a close relative. An unexcused absence would include vacation, staying home because of rain, missing the bus, staying home to care for younger children, and parent illness. In the event of an absence, please call 962-8114 to report it.
Whenever possible, extended absences from school should be arranged in advance with the school office and your child’s teacher. It is sometimes possible to arrange for students to take schoolwork with them.
We realize that there are times your child will be sick during the school year. A healthy, balanced diet and plenty of sleep will help your child avoid common illnesses.
Prompt school departure is also important. Parents and childcare providers should wait for students at the school gate. If you or your child care provider will be late, it is important for you to call the school office 962-8114. It is neither safe nor appropriate to have a child wait outside school for more than 10 minutes.
Whenever possible, extended absences from school should be arranged in advance with the school office and your child’s teacher. It is sometimes possible to arrange for students to take schoolwork with them.
We realize that there are times your child will be sick during the school year. A healthy, balanced diet and plenty of sleep will help your child avoid common illnesses.
Prompt school departure is also important. Parents and childcare providers should wait for students at the school gate. If you or your child care provider will be late, it is important for you to call the school office 962-8114. It is neither safe nor appropriate to have a child wait outside school for more than 10 minutes.